Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Good Ol' La Mirada, Home of the Biolans

Back at Biola. I am taking a class on the book of Job during interterm, which is proving to be far more interesting than I originally thought it would be. I have started moving stuff into my studio, but its still a bare, sad studio. This weekend i have plans for you little studio, oh yes...spending quality time figuring out my senior show tactics. I need to get rid of this ulcer and start sleeping at nights.

I am already making my strategy for a return to New York. Alright, so maybe not a definite strategy, not a spokenoutloud plan, but they are there. reported that over the weekend a pungent odor permeated Manhattan, from Midtown down to Battery Park city. A few buildings were evacuated and though this didnt stop the subway lines, my guess is that most opted to walk that day. Odor and toxicology tests revealed that this was an non-threatening odor. But I'm going to be honest here, I wanted so bad to be there...a bit jealous of the hubub and all that is New York. And I would take it too, odor and all.

I am going to be updating this here blog, it doesn't stop with New York. So don't worry your little heads, you will be able to read these tasty nuggets I leave you from now and forever on...

I have efficiently wasted 2 hours perusing the internet. My new apartment is lacking in wireless these days, which has proven a good parameter in keeping me to task with the Job class homework. More to come...

1 comment:

Shannon said...

i read your blog-- yes! keep updating!

i'd love to get together with you to talk about NY. It's now my goal to go in the Fall.

Of course, the only barrier being MONEY.