Saturday, April 21, 2007

Four months ago I was headed toward a senior show and what I thought would be my defining moment as an artist. Four months ago I could never have imagined myself on the other side of the stress and pressure I was enduring. Now, after this milestone has been completed, like a check mark on "Lauren's Life Goals," I find myself staring ahead to a future that remains a thick is only speculation and conjecture from here on out. But I'm ok with speculation. I will admit, there are days when I begin to doubt my abilities to function in post-college-adult-world. A perpetual voice whispers, "you don't have enough experience" or "you don't know enough about computer and print terminology." But when can you ever be fully prepared? Who will give me a chance to prove myself. I am a fast learner, and will do my job well.

The plan as of now: Finish school. I am able to walk this May, but will graduate deficient. I have to take summer school courses in order to finish. Not too shabby considering I did take time off for New York. Once done with summer school, I will be moving home temporarily. In the fall I hope to take a trip to NY, and then come back down to California. But who knows, plans are not written in stone.

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