I really enjoy spying in the studios. I am always curious to see what other students are up to. Usually a competitive feeling comes over me, and I feel that I must begin to make work. Sometimes this results in a feverish pursuit of ideas upon ideas upon ideas. I have great ideas. I do. I keep them written down in a notebook for use in the future. I don't like talking about my ideas too soon, because I would not want anyone to steal them. The problem arises when I do not have enough time to pursue these all. I learned a valuable lesson in NY...just work on one project at a time. Seems like common sense, right? I am still working on this lesson. Last night I was not able to sleep for an hour, because of all of the new ideas rushing through my head in regards to my senior show. The visions of the completed projects are stunning, really fantastic. I wish I could just show you what runs through my head. I hoard ideas.
Speaking of hoarding, I was involved in a very pulchritudinous conversation with my friend Adam about books (like that word I slipped in? Used as an adjective it essentially means lovely, beautiful, splendid, etc.). That is, we talked about our deep fondness for them and the impulse to constantly buy, buy buy! I was informed by said friend, that the word Bibliophile is a person who loves and collects books, but a Bibliomanica is an exaggerated preoccupation with the acquisition and ownership of books. I might be bordering on the maniac. We'll need to keep an eye on that. It could be a social hazard.
I am currently reading "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safron Foer. Very bittersweet.

Do you remember the show Reading Rainbow? Well guess what kids, its still on the air! http://pbskids.org/readingrainbow/
I couldn't ever remember LeVar Burton's name, all I knew was that Reading Rainbow was on Star Trek and wore a headband over his eyes. I remember one episode specifically. RR got into the trunk of a limo that was in fact, a spa. Oh that RR, always having adventures.